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Testimonials > Fatimah Jikineh

Alhamdulillah! the conference was a success, the community really enjoyed it and appreciated it. We expected a bigger crowed but Alhamdulillah for the ones we`v e reached to. The children in our mosque are among your really big fans, and they All want you to back again. Thank Allah you have really made an influence on many young peoples life. the parents also enjoyed it very much and found it very beneficial to experience such an active and involving da`wah and they are looking forward to having their own session for the parents.  Some specific comments i got back were `` I loved how he asked us questions, and got us involved as opposed to giving everything to us without us participating`` this was from a pre-teen. I also highly agree with this especially when working with children, to make sure they are understanding what you are saying, you have their attention,and you get their ideas, its an excellent tactic to get them involved and ask them questions. In fact not only for kids this may even work on adults!

Fatima Jikineh

Masjid Al Moqqadat